Everybody loves to get Amazon gift cards for free. It’s always a sweet gift that makes you smile. Amazon’s new platform “Amazon Live” is a great opportunity to participate in daily giveaways of Amazon gift cards. Here’s how.
Ther new Amazon platform “Amazon Live”, gives a stage to influencers who wish to share their favorite deals and offers on Amazon. As a part of their channel’s growth – it is vital for them to have many followers. And what’s the best way to gain new followers? You’ve got it right! To offer them special giveaways.
In the past few weeks, many influencer channels started giving away many gift cards to their new followers. “Top Rated” live channel actually has a list of the past week’s winners on the website TopRatedGiveaway.com, where you can see previous winners as well as check daily if you won an Amazon Gift Card yourself.
Let’s talk about chances for a second. When a new service is launched, it takes time for people to get to know it. The same applies to Amazon Live. Since this is a brand new platform, many people don’t even know it exists. Because it’s so new, there is a better chance of winning one of their daily contests, only because the number of participants is still very low. Is it easier to win a giveaway when there’s 100,000 participants or when there are less than 100?
We have spoke to a few of our Top Rated Club members who won, to hear about their experience with the giveaway:
“I just started following Amazon Top Rated Live yesterday and today I got an email confirmation that I won a $10 dollar Amazon gift card”, said Mary Ann from Wisconsin who became one of Amazon’s Top Rated Live followers this week.
“I’ve been following Top Rated Club on Facebook for 2 years,” said Heather Willis, a Top Rated Club member, “and when they announced that they are giving away Amazon Gift Cards to members who follow them on Amazon Live, I immediately joined the fun and I just got an email confirming I won an Amazon Gift Card from them today”.
Aria Remulda, the community manager of Top Rated Club, said that due to the fact that this is just the beginning, there aren’t many people who know about the new “Amazon Live” platform and very few people join the giveaway every single day which means the chances of winning the Amazon Gift Cards are very good.Â
Free $100 Amazon gift card
Once a month, a $100 dollar Amazon Gift Card is being given to one lucky winner from the entire list of the month’s contestants. This month’s winner was our member, Julie Wilson. We reached out to her to hear about her winning.
“I’ve been a free member of Top Rated club for years”, said Wilson, “and when they introduced the daily giveaway contest I went to TopRatedGiveaway.com and signed up. It was as easy as following their new Amazon Live channel and adding my name to the list. I didn’t win the daily giveaway so I forgot about it… So you can understand how excited I was to get the email early in December telling me I won a $100Â Amazon Gift Card!”
Participating in the “Top Rated Giveaway” is as easy as heading to TopRatedGiveaway.com and following the channel on “Amazon Live”. The idea is simple: you become a follower and you help build the channel and the reach. In return, you’re added to a daily giveaway contest and have a chance of winning an Amazon gift card.
“It was like an early Christmas gift”, said Wilson, “and I actually used the Amazon gift card to buy 2 gifts for my kids, so thank you Top Rated for allowing me to do so!”.
For more information visit topratedgiveaway.com